When we check your dog/cat in for boarding we will ask to see their vaccination record card so that we can ensure your dog/cat is up to date with both the routine annual vaccinations and the kennel cough vaccination (dogs only).
To help ensure your dogs’ good health during their boarding stay, we do require that annual vaccinations and kennel cough vaccinations (dogs only) are up to date and that these vaccinations do not expire whilst boarding with us. Please check your vaccination card or if you have misplaced it, ring your vet and they will supply you with a letter to confirm dates.

If your dog or puppy has just started or restarted their vaccination course, we require that they have the 2nd part of the course a minimum of 2 weeks before boarding with us to ensure full protective immunity.

Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough or Infectious Bronchitis is a highly contagious flu-like illness in dogs that affects the respiratory system. The disease is caused by a mixture of viruses and bacteria and can be passed from dog to dog anywhere where they come into contact with each other – at dog shows, in kennels or just on a walk in the park. The symptoms can include a hacking dry cough that may sound like your dogs is choking or clearing its throat.

Other symptoms include watery eyes, sneezing or nasal discharge. Although the worst of the symptoms can be alleviated with a course of antibiotics, the coughing may last for weeks.

You will need to ask your vet to administer the kennel cough vaccine as it is not routinely administered with your dog’s annual booster vaccinations.

The kennel cough vaccination is not an injection; it is a tiny amount of liquid that is administered up the nose of your dog (nasal spray). It is a very quick and pain free vaccination and well worth your dog having.

Depending on which brand of vaccination your particular veterinary clinic uses, the kennel cough vaccination lasts either 6 or 12 months. A booster is required to keep up with the immunity.

If your dog has not had the kennel cough vaccination, or if it has expired, we require them to have this vaccination at least 2 weeks prior to boarding with us.
Unfortunately, if your dog/cat has not had the required vaccinations, we may not be able accept him/her for boarding.

If you would like any further information regarding any of the vaccinations that we require in our kennels, please do not hesitate to contact us either by phone or pop in to see us.

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